- 2 Schlafplätze
- 3 Sitzplätze
- Keine Haustiere erlaubt
- VW
- Transporter
- 2004
- Schaltgetriebe
- Diesel
- Nein
- Ja
- Reibungsreifen
- Küchenausstattung
- AC in der Kabine
- Verdunkelungsvorhänge
- Im Preis inbegriffenOutdoor-Möbel
Über das Fahrzeug
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Mit Google-Übersetzer übersetzenI am renting out my beautiful campervan in Stavanger, Norway. It has three seats in the front and the large bed in the back can be transformed into benches with sitting places. Below the benches, the bed, and on the shelves, there is a lot of space for storage. All windows are equipped with shades. The car is well isolated, so that the temperature is always pleasant. It does not heat up too much in the sun, and isolates the warmth well on colder nights. There is no toilet or shower, but on a six weeks trip through Norway, that was not a problem. The van is equipped with a cooler that works with ice and with a power station. The power station can charge a laptop up to three times and can be itself recharged while driving or at a normal plug within one hour. I can also leave the kitchen equipment and two camping chairs if interested. The back door only opens from the inside. For inspiration, it's @simon_dzs on Instagram :)
- In den Mietkosten inbegriffen
- In den Mietkosten inbegriffen
- In den Mietkosten inbegriffen
- CHF 1’322.87 (Preis umgerechnet von NOK 16’000.00)
- Kann auf CHF 248.04 reduziert werden. (Preis umgerechnet von NOK 3’000.00)

Die Omocom-Versicherung ist eine massgeschneiderte, umfassende Versicherungslösung, die Schäden, Verlust und Diebstahl während des Mietzeitraums abdeckt.
- CHF 413
- CHF 22
- CHF 3.3 / Tag
- Unbegrenzte Kilometer

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